Friday, January 26, 2024

How to use GP2Y0E03 Sensor for Object Detection

The GP2Y0E03 TOF sensor may be a good choice for our autonomous  robot's collision avoidance system.  It has a range that suits our needs good and it has two interfaces: i2c and analog output.  The Raspberry pi PICO has both interfaces making for an easy connection. 

The critical aspects for us are linear readings, relative accuracy, fast readings, and relatively consistent readings in various light conditions.  Let's see how well in performs in this practical test.



Saturday, January 20, 2024

E013 Can the TCRT5000 photo-reflective sensor Act as Proximity Sensor?

 For collision avoidance, the Zoomie needs a proximity sensor on the front to detect objects in the direction of travel.  A laser based TOF sensor failed to perform to our needs.  The TCRT5000 is investigated in this video as an alternative sensing device.



Friday, January 12, 2024

How the AS5600 Encoder Can Provide Odometry Information

The AS5600 digital potentiometer is a great device to help with Odometry in Autonomous robotic applications such as our Zoomie.  This device uses a small magnet that is affixed to the wheel or axel you are measuring the rotation of.  It is then read with an i2c interface that is very quick and efficient.


044 Project Update, Building the Computer, and Top level Overview of the Code.

 In this episode we will be exploring more about the Zcheduler computer and software.   Update on status of the ZoomTown Experiment. A short...