Saturday, November 25, 2023

Constructing Powertrain Deck for the PICO Controlled Autonomous Robotic Car

The Powertrain Deck is a critical element for the Zoomie, the autonomous robot used in the ZoomTown experiment.  Chris explains the 'what' and 'why' of this subassembly and how it is the foundation for the rest of the Zoomie.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Motor Drive Selection for the Autonomous Robot used in the ZoomTown Experiment

 Selecting a motor drive for the N20 motors didn't require a lot of research.  In this video Chris explains why the TB6612FNG was a good choice based on the defined criteria for the autonomous robot.  


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Motor selection for the Autonomous Robot used in the ZoomTown Experiment

Selecting a motor for the Zoomie is harder than ever with so many choices! As already covered a few episodes back, the design criteria for the Zoomie is pretty well defined.  In this video Chris talks through the choices and the reason why some are good and some are bad.  


Friday, November 3, 2023

A FAILURE ALREADY? Zoomie V1 is a failure.

This experimental robotic car failed in the prototype stage.  The design was certainly unique so it was worth the time to explore and experiment.   However, some designs are best left in the prototype stage, this video explains why it failed and more importantly, what was learned along the way.


060 Why the AS5600 Encoders Didn't Perform Accurately

Positioning and localization are KEY to this project, without that failure is absolute.  The AS5600 encoders have proven the to be the probl...