Friday, October 25, 2024

After fighting my old crimping tool for Dupont connectors, I found a better tool

There are a lot of Dupont crimping tools to choose from, some sold for Dupont connectors are not even the correct type!  Frustrated with my old crimper, I went hunting for a better one and found these.  So far it looks like it was a good purchase and I am already getting MUCH BETTER crimps.



Friday, October 18, 2024

049 Novel Traffic Control Method

Let's explore a different method of controlling traffic by breaking the old rules.  The ZoomTown experiment has been about looking at transportation from a different perspective. Getting rid of the human allows for different rules.



Saturday, October 12, 2024

10/01/2024 ZoomTown Update

With the complexity of this experiment reaching its peak, I wanted to share more updates.  This update covers the current status, current outstanding problems, master to do list, and some ideas I am kicking around.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

047 Implementing Remote Robot (Zoomie)Tracking

With the ability to track the location of the robots, the Zcheduler is capable of doing MUCH MORE.  The most obvious (and what is shown in this video) is the ability to show near real time location of each Zoomie. 

However, the Zcheduler can now become another "SENSOR" for the Zoomie!  The Zoomie has no "vision" of what is going on around it, but it can ask the Zcheduler for some very critical information such as how close other Zoomies are to it.   This will play a key role in navigation.



059 Introducing and Testing the final version of the Zoomie - maybe...

It it time again for another round of testing.  We will look at the assembly of the newest gadgets and take the Zoomie for a test drive.  Ho...