Friday, August 30, 2024

044 Project Update, Building the Computer, and Top level Overview of the Code.

 In this episode we will be exploring more about the Zcheduler computer and software.  

  • Update on status of the ZoomTown Experiment.
  • A short "how to" video regarding the Zcheduler computer.
  • Explanation of the route planning and a top level view of the code.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

043 We are Transitioning into Phase III, Take a Look at the Whole System

Phase III of the Zoomtown experiment is beginning.  This is the final development phase and this is when everything comes together.  Take a look at the whole system in this video.


Friday, August 9, 2024

042 How to Park a Robotic Car (Zoomie) using a PICO and MicroPython

Parking the robotic car (Zoomie) utilizes multiple sensors to get the Zoomie in the correct position. In this video we will cover what sensors are used and why as well as the logic behind the maneuver.



Sunday, August 4, 2024

THANK YOU! 10K Subs On Making Stuff With Chris DeHut

Our community has grown to 10,000 subscribers! 
I wanted to share my appreciation and came up with this video.

Cheers and THANK YOU!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

041 How to make turns with robots (Zoomies)

Turning can be both simple and very complex.  In this video we take a look at the two different turning maneuvers the Zoomie uses.  Ultimately, both are really simple and are proving reliable.



045 Scheduler Side Trip Plan (Robot Driving Instructions)

This video details the robot driving instruction creation and coding.  The robot needs to travel from place to place which is a lot more cha...