See how the Zoomie (robot) interprets the Trip Plan (driving instructions) and executes them. Follow along to see how the Trip Plan is received into the Zoomie via WiFi/MQTT and then processed for execution.
See how the Zoomie (robot) interprets the Trip Plan (driving instructions) and executes them. Follow along to see how the Trip Plan is received into the Zoomie via WiFi/MQTT and then processed for execution.
This video details the robot driving instruction creation and coding. The robot needs to travel from place to place which is a lot more challenging than you may think. While it is a trivial task to select which roads to travel, there are many more sub-tasks required to get the robot from one road to another.
There will be a follow up video from the Robot's perspective and what happens when it receives these driving instructions.
There has been a LOT of work performed on the ZoomTown Experiment in the last couple of weeks. This short (actually less than 8 mins.) video catches you up on the developments of the software and the status of al the Zoomie builds going on.
If you have any interest at all about computers and especially their history, you owe it to yourself to visit one of the Vintage Computer Festival shows. This gathering, organized by the Vintage Computer Federation, is an amazing event where you can buy and sell old computers, but more importantly, you can see and in many cases play with computers dating back to the 60s.
These enthusiasts exhibiting at the shows bring in all types of computers from mainframes to desktops and from many different manufacturers that have long since faded away. This video only serves to give you a sense of what you will see and I certainly hope you will have an opportunity to visit one of the shows.
It it time again for another round of testing. We will look at the assembly of the newest gadgets and take the Zoomie for a test drive. Ho...