Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Zoomies, the Robotic Stars of the ZoomTown Experiment

The Zoomies will certainly be the stars of the show.  In this episode, Chris explains many of the design parameters that will ultimately lead to their creation.  This foundational video sets the stage for many of the aspects of the ZoomTown Experiment.


The playground of power, where the ZoomTown experiment will take place

In this video Chris explains many of the aspects that control and affect the ZoomTown Experiment.  Give it a watch so that you understand more about it.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

 Today is the official start of the ZoomTown experiment.  These first few videos will set the stage for the entire series.  Let's get the series started with some explanations of everything so that you have a good foundational understanding of what it is about.


044 Project Update, Building the Computer, and Top level Overview of the Code.

 In this episode we will be exploring more about the Zcheduler computer and software.   Update on status of the ZoomTown Experiment. A short...