Saturday, August 5, 2023

August 5, 2023

Welcome to the ZoomTown blog.  This will be the communications portal for the ZoomTown experiment that will be presented on my YouTube channel

and the related webpage...

The ZoomTown experiment is all about Raspberry PI PICOs, MicroPython, Robotic cars, and Autonomous travel in a place called ZoomTown. To make this experiment as interesting and fun as possible, I am working on ways you can participate and be part of this experiment. 

There is a lot more preparation to do before the ZoomTown experiment begins but I am hopeful the launch will be in the fall of 2023.  

More information and details will be announced here with links to videos covering updates as we lead up to the launch of the new series. 


044 Project Update, Building the Computer, and Top level Overview of the Code.

 In this episode we will be exploring more about the Zcheduler computer and software.   Update on status of the ZoomTown Experiment. A short...